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V5 plus Wifi issues...



  • Russell Lambeth

    I sure wish I knew that support for this company was such complete shit or I wouldn't have bothered to buy this shitty camera. My V55 Wi-Fi will not turn on. I have tried everything I can find or think of including updating the firmware and it just will not turn on. At all. Ever.

    I keep sending in tickets but have yet to get any reply.

    It's pretty cool how you posted this initial issue 5 months ago and never got one single reply from Rexing.

    So how about it Rexing? When someone posts a problem such as this one, do you just ignore it and not even reply at all if you know it's because your stuff is shit?

  • JChongKoon

    Estoy decepcionado de Rexing, he usado dos modelos de camara y las dos me ha dado problema, empece con V1 4K y luego V55 y este ultimo he puesto queja y siempre buscan una excusa para no solucionar el problema.

    El problema que presenta la camara es que de las 18:00 en adelante la fecha se cambia a un dia anterior pero de dia no pasa eso y es todos los dias, he cambiado memoria, he restablecido al modo de fabrica y he reinstalado el firmware y nada que soluciona el problema. Le comente que se necesita un firmware nuevo que solucione el inconveniente y se hacen de los oidos sordos.


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