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V3 Timing/clock issue



  • Rexing Care

    Thank you for your feedback, we noticed this issue and our R&D department are working on fix this.

  • Theforlornknight

    Having this same problem on the V1P Pro. Am able to fix it manually or by connecting to the app but doesn't stay fixed. Firmware update didn't solve either.

  • simon M guerrero

    Eric thanks for the update,  hope the folks over in the R&D department come up with a solution soon. 

    I have also noticed that if you turn on and off the vehicle multiple times within a very short time frame the V3 seems to hang up and freeze.  The dash cam comes on but the image is frozen its very evident since not even the clock is is working/counting down and the recording indicator (red flashing light) is not showing up.  

    thanks  Simon

  • simon M guerrero



    Rexing V3  -  (Request # 1998  dtd 11/09/12019)  

    Eric  the following is some additional info concerning my ongoing problems/issues with the Rexing V3 dash cam.  

    • Timing/clocking remains a major issue when the V3 is working, no matter how many times I have attempted to correct or adjust the time on the unit, as soon as I place it in the vehicle and turn the key in the ignition the clock jumps 5 hours ahead of current local time. 
    • I have corrected/adjusted the clock with the SET TIME ZONE feature off and on and have the same results of the clock setting itself 5 hours ahead of current local time as soon as the key is turn in the ignition. 
    • I have checked and verified that the DAY LIGHT SAVINGS feature is off but I end up with the same results of the clock being 5 hours ahead of local time.  
    • Auto start and recording:  The V3 is in my wife's car so I normally do not use her car.  However today we went out and experienced the following.    Aside from the clock/timing being incorrect the V3 started up normally the first time when we left home and was recording.   20 mins later we stopped for fuel (10 min stop) and from that moment onward the rest of the day with multiple stops the unit never recorded again.  My wife had commented on this issue.  
    • The V3 worked the first time we started the car while leaving our house.  
    • 20 mins later we stopped for gas, got ready to leave, the unit powers up, does its initialization and the image is frozen; not even the clock is counting down nor is the red record indicator flashing.  
    • Over the next six hours of our trip with multiple stops at different locations we had the same exact results as described above.   


    • Just FYI  : 
    • I have had the unit less than a week. 
    • It has the most current firmware according to the Rexing website  M3AA00.660.307.190718.01 
    • SD card being used is the one recommended by the Amazon site where I bought the V3:    ScaDisk Class 10 high endurance Card 128gb 


    I am more than willing to work with all concerned in correcting this issue and troubleshooting the unit.  But it is imperative that this unit works properly and performs well.  Otherwise the information gathered by this unit would not hold up in a court of law and thus is of no use to me.   Please advise as I am standing by to assist.   


    Thanks  in advance Simon  

  • simon M guerrero

    My bust correction on the firmware ver I was copying from an old document.  the firmware ver I currently have is Ver M3AA00.660.307.190831.01   



  • Lech nazareth

    I experienced the same issues for my V3 clock time unstable delayed 4hrs

  • john steward

     My V3 displays the correct time , but the year changes every time it is turned off and back on. 

  • Lech nazareth

    John try to update you firmware,

  • Bill Creasy

    Same issue, +5 hours change everyday regardless of setting. This is not good, poor service. 

  • Lech nazareth

    Update your firmware


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