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how to install smart hardwire kit and how to enable parking mode



  • Christie brown

    So I bought the equipment AND had it installed by best buy.....

    There should be no excuse right??

    Also found I can only use the app while in the vehicle, turned on, at my house, with wifi on both phone and camera..

    Is there an easier way?

  • Zachary windemuller

    I ended up following Brian Barnes advice, returned the one I bought from Amazon, and got it from Best Buy. The parking mode works now, however sometimes it won’t go into parking mode and it will just record continuously. Parking mode is now a hit or a miss, whereas before it just didn’t work at all. Rexing has not been helpful

  • Kyle Campbell

    So I know this post is a little old and this may not be an issue for most people anymore. However I was having this same issue after installing the smart hardwire kit and tried reversing the wires and everything and non of it worked. So I rechecked the voltage at the "Switched" wire (red) to make sure it was turning off and what I found was it was running between 150 and 200mv. Since the camera is already fed a continuous 12v the "smart" box seems to only be looking for a small amount of energy to signal the vehicle was turned on. After checking all of the in dash fuses I was only able to locate like 3 that went below this 150-200mv range with the key off and even they bounced between 1-10mv. So I moved my switched wire to one that was staying below 10mv when "off", cycled the key a few times and wallah. Everything seems to work as expected. Camera turns on and off with the key and if you disturb the vehicle when off the camera would click on and start recording and then shut off after a few seconds. Maybe this will help somebody else figure theirs out aswell. Note, I never got the camera to say it recognized the smart switch but it did let me choose between the g sensor or time lapse and even though it still popped up saying need smart switch it displayed a little security camera icon on the screen and the parking feature worked in both modes without issue.

  • Marlon Estella

    I have both a V3+ (from BestBuy) and V3 (from Amazon).

    Purchased hardwire kit from Amazon and got it installed. Seems like it is doing the same as everyone else (staying constantly on without enabling Parking Mode). I am returning the current hardwire kits to Amazon and purchasing kits directly from RexingUSA.

    On another note, do you HAVE to plug in both wires (Switched and Constant fuses)? What is the purpose for plugging in both vs only plugging in the Constant Power fuse?

  • Paul Chasse

    I am also having the same problem. I installed it on a 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

  • Jim Schmidt

    Also having the same problem

  • Cameronleggatt

    Same problem, 2015 civic. G sensor parking mode works, but time lapse won’t, and that’s what I want it for. Pissed off. Just says need smart kit

  • Boarderc577

    Same issue 2015 forester. Camers never turms of and enters parking mode. Just records non stop when car is off Emailed company. Will be returning if not resolved by wed July 8th

  • John Thornton

    You got three wires? Mine included hardwire kit has Black (ground) and a red with permanent fuse. If that fuse blows its basically a trash cable without splicing. Also the fuse is at the end of the wire (NOT inline) which means its really not protecting much.

  • Brian Barnes

    Has this been resolved yet? I just purchased the V3 plus the kit and have the same problem as the OP. I don't understand how the parking feature would ever work based on how the unit is currently functioning. I ONLY bought this model because of the parking feature. Please let me know if anyone has figured this out or received a response from Rexing.

  • John Thornton

    Brian, if you can’t see a parking mode option it doesn’t have it. I even tried updating the firmware as suggested. It did not show up. Switched to a fine vu 500 which is cheaper and does everything but WiFi. However parking, motion, event...everything works.

  • Brian Barnes

    Thanks John. I do have the feature showing on my device. However, as Jayson mentioned in his original post, the red and yellow wires seem to be reversed. Additionally, I cannot get the unit to activate when the vehicle is not running. Seems like the is an issue with the "smart" hardwire kit.

  • Sevin Hadley

    When it's dark look at the buttons on the front of the cam they should be lit up and the recording button should be blinking red and the screen should be dark while the ignition is off. This means it's recording properly and in parking mode

  • Bret Gagnon

    Just went through the same annoying issue others are having with this so called "smart hardwire" kit. The camera will not recognize the device as being connected. The fuses are good (what a gawd awful design!!!) It's pathetic molding the fuse into the harness.

    I've done as others have and reversed the red and yellow wires in the hopeless thought there was a poor wiring job at the factory. I've triple checked that I've got both a live and switched fuse slots just to be sure I'm not going nuts.

    The camera will not acknowledge the "smart hardwire" kit is installed. I verified that the camera firmware is the most current version. I'm so close to boxing this crap up and shipping it back in favor of another, more reliable brand that functions 'plug & play' right out of the box.

  • Brian Barnes

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: I had two different Smart hardware kits (same model but one from Amazon and one from Best Buy). Neither one worked!  Reversing the wires allowed the unit to come on while driving and be off while parked, but would NOT allow the Parking feature to work.  I emailed After a week or so, they finally responded and suggested sending me a new hardware kit (direct from Rexing USA).  I received the kit within about 3-4 days.

    The new kits works perfectly! Yellow and Red now connect where they are supposed to and the unit functions exactly as it should.  I don't know if this will fix everyone's problems, but it definitely fixed mine.

  • Brian Barnes

    And one other note... Not sure if it has any relevance but...

    The Amazon Smart kit had a "straight-through" USB micro plug on it. Did not work!

    The Best Buy Smart kit had a "right-angle" USB micro plug on it. The cord angled DOWN (towards dash) when plugged in. Did not work!

    The Rexing Smart kit had a "right-angle" USB micro plug on it. The cord angled UP (towards roof) when plugged in. This one worked!. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I figured I'd mention it.

  • Bret Gagnon

    Update: Purchased the "Smart Hardwire" kit via Rexing on their Amazon web store. Contacted them by email for support via their website 09AUG20. Received a robo-acknowledgment. I'm awaiting an actual response from a living, breathing person. Some things to note -

    In the dark, with the ignition off, the buttons do light up BUT there is no flashing 'record' indication. this is with the wiring per factory instruction. Rocking the car or shaking the camera does not activate any recording mode. Repeat the exercise after swapping the wires around, no lit buttons. No flashing red record indicator.




  • Brian Barnes

    This was the first kit I purchased It did not work.

    The operation of my device (after receiving the harness direct from Rexing tech support) is as follows: When I turn the vehicle off, the unit times out after about 30 seconds. Any bump or vibration causes the device to turn on for about 20 seconds before it turns back off again. Closing the door was enough movement to activate the camera.

  • Gary Gabbard

    I am having the same issue as Jayson had.

  • Zachary windemuller

    I am having the same issue. Bought the smart hardwire kit off Amazon but when I shut the car off it does not go into parking mode and continues to record in 3 minute increments like when I’m driving. It’s eating up my memory

  • jp0065

    I am having the same issue as well. When I shut the car off, it continues recording as if it is on (in 3 minute increments). It is killing my car's battery so I am just unplugging the cord from the device each time I leave the vehicle. I tried reversing the wires, but then the camera is never on. I would like to utilize the parking monitor so it sounds like the only solution is to buy the smart hardwire kit directly from Rexing instead of Amazon. Anyone have any luck doing anything else?

  • Andrew Muga

    I am also having similar issues. Although i bought all the cameras and smart hardwire kits through the rexing site directly not their Amazon store. Ive bought 2 V5 cameras both with smart hardwire kits. Both were installed as per the instructions. Red wire to switched fuse and Yellow to constant fuse.

    Now on one car the camera turns on as it should when ignition is on. But does not turn off when the ignition turns off. It stays on but upon going through the saved footage. It looks like the camera actually shuts off about 6-7 hours after turning off the ignition based on the recorded files. And i am able to set the parking monitor on with g sensor turn on and even see the "P" to show that it's activated but it won't activate to record the 20 second. I would assume because the camera doesn't shut off for awhile. But even after coming into the car when the car has finally turned off the feature has never been able to activate. Ive tried shaking the car. Banging on the window. Haven't tried switching the red and yellow wires though.

    On the other car everything is installed the same way as the first. Everything seemed to be working correctly at first. The camera was turning on when ignition on and off when ignition was off. And even was able to get the parking monitor to work correctly. I banged on the windshield and the camera would turn on record for 20 seconds show a locked icon locking that file and turn back off. It even activated by slightly tapping the camera itself. But after a few days the camera stopped turning back on when ignition was on. I would have to either tap the camera or manually turn it one.

    I have emailed their support email. just waiting back on a response see what they say.

    Side note. I did notice multiple smart hardwire kits when purchasing the cameras. So it's interesting Brian received the smart hardwire kit with the right angle cord going up to the roof. Both kits i purchased had the right angle going down. Which i felt were a little inconvenient since the cables are being routed through the headliner. Maybe I've received incorrect kits. my order did say my kit was for a V5. Can anyone else confirm if there smart hardwire kit has right angle with cord going up towards the roof or down towards the dash? And maybe what cam they have? Both kits look identical and have identical descriptions and both pictures have identical model numbers. Maybe there is a mix up when sendimg out kits. Although their picture could just be a generic. Anyway how we call all resolve our issue. Pretty disappointed with this issue.

  • Simon Ponder

    I purchased the V1Pro Plus, which had the smart hardwire kit included in the sealed box from the factory. Does anyone want to guess if it worked or not? Hell no, it didn't. This trash is going back to the store tomorrow.

  • Christie brown

    Just had my V3 hardwired. Parts and installation from best buy..
    Camera doesn't recognize it is hard wired and I can't use time lapse parking mode.

    Have they fixed the problem yet?!?!?!

  • jp0065

    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for this! I am still a little unsure what you did though. It sounds like you used a voltmeter to determine where the lower voltage fuses were in the fise box and plug the kit into those fuses. Is that right?

    Thanks again for the help!

  • Kyle Campbell

    Yes, I used an auto scaling multimeter so it self adjusted to pick up the mV. You either need one that does that or one that has manual mv scale that you can switch it to.

  • AJ Jacobsen

    I know this is an old thread, but I figured I should mention this since none of the instructions talked about it. Apparently you also need to install the fuse you pull into the back of the kit wire. And I'm not sure which order it is but the one when I used it it would turn on the camera, but then the camera wouldn't turn off, and I was using the lock fuse on my truck, and the truck wouldn't lock off the remote. I flipped those fuses around in the back of the wire and now everything is working as expected. I have no idea why this makes a hill of beans difference but probably something to do with the amount of power going to the camera??

  • jp0065

    Hi AJ,

    I am having the same issue you were having where the camera stays on when turned off. Glad you were able to figure something out to resolve the issue. What do you mean by "...install the fuse you pull into the back of the kit wire?"

    Also, what do you mean by flipping them around? Just flip the direction of the wire or swap the two leads?



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