Smart Hardware Kit
My 2005 Audi A4 has only a few of the mini fuses - only two of which are 15 amp constant power. All of the other fuses (including other 15 amp fuses) are the larger fuse size which does not match the fuse connections on the Smart Hardware kit.
Anyone have any thoughts about how to hook the the other Smart Hardware Kit lead to an "ignition on" fuse which is the larger fuse size?
Same issue here. There's no explanation on how to resolve it with a different connector. I opened a ticket with their support to see what their solution is. You could probably splice an existing connector to the adapter to make this work. I also only have ONE 2 AMP fuse. So not sure why they would send TWO 2 AMP fuses when most cars have 5 AMP or 10 AMP fuses for constant power.
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As I suspected, they want "you" the consumer to rig it after the fact for your vehicle with a different type of fuse adapter. Good Luck.
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